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      How much does a worker brought from Sri Lanka cost a Romanian employer?

      If a few years ago, the language barrier was a problem in dealing with the big players in the FMCG industry and staff recruited from outside Europe, today, delegating them to comHow can recruiting staff from outside the EU solve the employee crisis in Retail?

      How can NON-EU recruitment solve the retail employee crisis? If a few years ago, the language barrier was an issue when dealing with the big players in the FMCG industry and staff recruited from outside Europe, today, the delegation of staff to stores makes up for any impediment.

      In order to help solve the shortage of retail staff, Romanian entrepreneur Eugen Saulea, founder of ESSA Group – one of the largest players in the country’s trade marketing market has hired 137 Sri Lankan staff, of which 57 have already been placed in stores, 44 will arrive in the country in the second part of November and the remaining 36 in January 2023.

      “It is well known that Romania is a country of emigration, and the possibility of recruiting staff from here is not an easy one. There are several advantages to delegating NON EU staff. At the same time, Sri Lanka in the last year has been marked by major social instability, there are riots and imbalances on the political scene and the ordinary Sri Lankans have suffered the most. ESSA tries to help these people by involving them in projects in Romania”, explains Eugen Saulea.

      $700 net cost of employment

      In fact, once here, Sri Lankans are treated humanely and are provided with everything they need for a fair start in Romania: advance budgets for food and personal hygiene. “And they are very open to the jobs they are assigned and motivated. At the same time, they are committed to the work they are asked to do and are flexible in their working hours.”

      The cost of a NON EU employee differs depending on the country of origin and qualification, adds Eugen Saulea. A key factor in defining this is related to the ease with which the NON EU employee can express themselves in English. For example, wages for commercial workers are between $450 and $550, plus mandatory accommodation and a budget of around $150 for meal expenses.

      “The net direct cost with one employee is about $700, plus related contributions,” explains the entrepreneur.
      Today, ESSA Group is a pioneer in the delegation of NON EU staff for the management of sales premises in large international chains. “In addition, we are also pioneers in the delegation of NON EU staff in positions of commercial workers – merchandisers, for large players in the FMCG industry”, concludes the entrepreneur.

      Source – www.mediafax.ro

      Author – Daniel Contescu

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